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Probably a silly way to go about this, but what the heck...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Probably a silly way to go about this, but what the heck...

Looking for miss right...or at least as close as it's

Looking for a woman driver or rider who's on the market for a man...Preferably a driver, but not absolutely necessary...someone who's down to earth, easy to get along with and generally a nice person.

I am for the most part all of the above qualities I just mentioned...I'm not a truckers trucker if that makes sense...hopefully it does, because it says alot in that short sentence. I've been OTR for over 20 years, and 8 years with the company I'm with currently. It's been a long time of being alone...even with an ex-wife who really never understood the industry and what I it's time to see if there is a woman out there that does

I'm not looking for a flash in the pan, sleeper rocking one don't get the wrong idea...I'd like to correspond and chat and get to know a woman for a bit before they ever get in the truck...only the right personalities can survive in a truck together for any extended length of time, so getting to know one another beforehand is a must. My life is mostly an open book, and I try to be as honest as possible...that's all I really ask...go into life with your eyes wide open and deal with people without ulterior motives...

The hardest step is usually the first...though the last step is usually pretty hard, too, but at least you don't see that one coming most the time

If you've come this far, you're doing better than most, you're either curious or really friggen bored, but at least it's earned you my Yahoo Id...if you want to get a hold of me and I'm not on here...nomadsmj is my yahoo messenger ID and my phone is usually always on

So in the words of...whoever the hell said it first... "Want to take a Ride?"

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi , I read what you was saying and I understand. Not sure I am what you are looking for but if you read my profile and want to respond then I will get back with you. This week is truckers appreciation , which it should be everyday , but thanks for all you do and god bless you in your travel

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi...Im not even sure exactly what I am looking for these days, but hopefully I'll know it when I see Anyway, I'm cool with getting to know you...

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